Shoutouts (Part 2)

Hey guys! I’m here with another round of shoutouts where I give some people that I follow on various platforms some recognition because, well, they’re awesome! Definitely check them out when you have a chance. Also check out my first round of shoutouts to see other awesome book people.


AlexaLovesBooks – I recently started following her a few weeks ago and I love her content! She’s very thorough and concise when it comes to reviews and she talks about a lot of interesting topics. To top it off, she also cohosts various events, such as Love-a-thon and Flights of Fantasy. Definitely give her a look if you haven’t already!


books-cupcakes – I’ve been following her for a while now and I love the content she puts out. She reblogs a lot of beautiful pictures, but she also has a lot of great original content, too, such as the Book Photo Challenge. It’s a fun event and she always keeps pretty positive whenever she talks about things. She also has a shop on Red Bubble, which I’ve purchased from before and I love her designs!


ThoughtsonTomes – I’ve been following Sam for a while, probably a year now, and I love love love her content! She’s always so talkative and thorough in many of the subjects she talks about. She makes me laugh and smile and I think that’s really important when it comes to Booktube: connecting with the audience. Definitely check her out because she’s just a great person.


Tris_has_a_nook – I recently (as in the last week) followed her and her content is so cute! I love seeing books on bookstagram and how people are so creative when it comes to pictures and she is no exception! She also has lot of pictures of her cat and her and her boyfriend, which are just as equally adorable. Check her out!

And there you go! Some awesome people who talk about books. Definitely check each of them out because each of their content is great.

As I’ve said before, I’ll try to do these shoutouts every now and then to recognize some awesome book people across the book community on multiple platforms.

If you have any suggestions for shoutouts, please let me know!

5 thoughts on “Shoutouts (Part 2)

  1. Pingback: Love-a-thon Mini-Challenge #2: Bingo! | Reader Rayna

  2. Pingback: February 2016 Wrap-Up | Reader Rayna

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