Armchair BEA Day 4: Surviving Fictional Worlds & Giveaway

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Today’s talk is all about surviving fictional worlds: ones we love, hate, and everything in between. Fictional worlds can be dangerous, but that’s not going to stop us from dreaming of living there with the other characters we love, right? So today’s chat is all about that. And I’m pretty excited because OH MAN. THE FEELS.


Some of the questions we were asked to think about were: Which fictional worlds would you want to live in? Which worlds do you never want to dive into? Which worlds are you content to stay behind the glass, so to speak, rather than wishing to dive through the page? And once you get there, what would you do?

Let’s start with the easy one: which fictional worlds would you want to live in?

My blanket answer: any that Sarah J. Maas writes.

I KNOW. But guys, the worlds she writes are large and expansive and beautiful, even if they are dangerous. I’d particularly want to stay in Prythian in the Night Court from A Court of Mist and Fury for several reasons…

Other worlds I’d want to live in:

  • Truthwitch‘s world & I’d want to be a threadwitch. Even if I can’t see my own connections to people, I think I’d like seeing others connections.
  • Eretz from Daughter of Smoke & Bone because WOW. Chimera and angels and all sorts of interesting things to see! I just hope I wouldn’t, you know, get killed.
  • Kingdoms of the Remnant from The Kiss of Deception. Particularly Venda because that part of the world just seems so mysterious and wild. Plus, my bae, Kaden, lives there.
  • And, you know, Hogwarts. Because duh.

Those are just a few of the worlds I’d want to visit, even if crap goes down there often.

Which fictional worlds do you never want to dive into?

I’d honestly say any dystopian world because there’s a very real chance that our world could turn into something similar one day and I’m just not ready for that.

Which worlds are you content to stay behind the glass, so to speak, rather than wishing to dive through the page?

Hmm… I think maybe the Shadowhunter world because although I do enjoy the characters and everything, I don’t know that I’d want a showdown like what happens in the books. That just seems a little too much for me. (And yet I’m willing be in worlds with CHIMERA. Like, what even is my brain?)

And once you get there, what would you do?

Probably find one of the characters I’d know and try to become friends with them. It might end horribly, but at least I can try!


Oh man guys, when was the last time I did one of these? Feels like forever ago, but we had the option of hosting a giveaway on our own blogs and so, because I love you all, I’m going to do just that!

So what you’re entering for is a purchase from The Book Depository for a book up to $15USD. If it ships to your country, then you are eligible to win. Meaning, yes, this is international!

The giveaway will be running from today, May 14th, until May 17th at 12AM EST!

Click Here for the Rafflecopter Giveaway! Closed!

WordPress doesn’t let me have the actual widget in posts, unfortunately, so just click the link and be sure to follow the rules!

Let’s Chat! ≧◡≦

What kinds of worlds would you most want to avoid? What about ones you’d want to stay in? Would you want to switch lives with a character or live your own life? Let’s talk about all the things!

55 thoughts on “Armchair BEA Day 4: Surviving Fictional Worlds & Giveaway

  1. I would absolutely love to visit Harry Potter world (IRL because I’ve already been to the fabulous Orlando park) and I’d love to meet Hermione Granger and the Weasley family. While I would NOT want to live in The Winner’s Curse world, I’d love to meet Kestrel, the main character, who is pretty amazing.


  2. I’d be happy visiting something historical – as long as I knew when and where I was going not like Clare in Outlander just sort of landing there and realizing I was in another time and place. As to characters I’d like to meet that would be Dallan, Shona and Kitty from Time Masters Book 1: the Call and Book 2: The Prophecy and the upcoming third book by Geralyn Beauchamp. However I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.


  3. I’d probably want to be transported to a fantasy world, but none come to mind because I’m a contemporary reader through and through. I’m hung up on Lou from Me Before You, my last favourite read, so I’d love to meet up for a cup of tea – you know, if that was possible.


  4. Ooh I definitely agree with your choices- Eretz or SJM’s worlds for sure! (And not anything dystopian like Panem or something because I’ll surely die ha!)


  5. I’d LOVE to go to Robin Hobb’s Elderling series and meet The Fool. Hands down my most favorite character ever.


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