Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books of 2016

Hey peeps and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday as hosted by the lovely people over at The Broke & the Bookish. So as it’s the last TTT of the year, we’re going to talk about the best books I read in 2016. Now being a “best book” is very subjective and it varies from person to person, but I’m going to talk about the books that I enjoyed the most this year, so that includes 5 star books and some 4 stars mixed in. Let’s hop right into it!

1. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard. This book was so magical and had so many character that I fell in love with. And THAT ENDING. I need Windwitch right now. Luckily we don’t have to wait that long for it to come out!

2. Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone. This book was an awesome book about mental illness and coping with it through words and poetry and friendships. I loved it and highly recommend it.

3. The Saga series by Brian K. Vaughan. As my first foray into the comic book world, this series is so awesome. It’s very vulgar and mature at times, but I really got into the plot, and the art is beautiful.

4. The Air Awakens series by Elise Kova. I discovered this series when I got my kindle because it kept popping up in my recommended section, and boy am I glad I picked it up! The world is beautiful, the story is awesome, the characters I love, the character arcs are great. Just overall this series is worth the read in my opinion, so definitely check them out!

5. Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor. As the conclusion to one of my favorite trilogies of ever, I absolutely loved this book to pieces. It was huge and amazing and so good. It was a great wrap up and there were so many twists and turns and emotions poured into it. Love it!

6. The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. Another awesome wrap up to a fantastic series, this book ended in a bitter sweet way. We all knew what was coming because it was told to us in the beginning, but I wasn’t expecting everything that happened. It was great and I am so glad that I read this series.

7. The Rose and the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh. What is it with all of these conclusions? I actually enjoyed this second book more than the first and I just think that it was so well done. The writing was lovely, the story expanded greatly, the characters were awesome, and I just think that this was a fantastic conclusion to the duology.

8. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. You know. You know why this is on here. Do I even need to explain? The story, the world, everything go so much larger than anything we could have imagined. It was beautiful.

9. The Off Campus series by Elle Kennedy. Swoon. That’s the best word that comes to mid when I think of this series. As my first dive into New Adult I have to say, I’m quite happy with it. There’s drama, sexy times, hockey things, Massachusetts setting (woo woo!)! I just really enjoyed this series and I’m so sad it’s over.

10. My Lady Jane by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, and Jodi Meadows. This book was HILARIOUS and so unexpected! I didn’t expect to like this book as much as I did, so it was a pleasant surprise. I love the witty humor of the narrator, the dialogue between the characters, the way the magic worked… It was so fun!

11. Orange by Ichigo Takano. This manga was so beautiful and it spoke to many parts of my soul. It deals with friendship, depression, suicide, guilt, and there’s a bit of time travel involved in it, too. I love it so much and I’m so glad my bestie recommended it.

12. Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas. Hey, another one that should come as no surprise. This second to last book in the series was really great and I loved seeing new perspectives (ELIDE AND LORCAN AHHHHH). It wasn’t my favorite of the series, but it was still a great book where the stakes became higher and everything was kind of intense.

13. A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir. I’m still so happy we got a sequel to this series because this book was better than the first, I think. I absolutely loved it and thought that the story grew immensely and that everything became much more complex as time went on. I can’t wait for the next one!

14. Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman. If you follow me on Bookstagram you know how much I love this book. Like, seriously, this book was phenomenal and it hit me in all of the feels and the formatting was so cool! I can’t wait to read Gemina and am honestly surprised with myself that I haven’t read it yet.

15. P.S. I Like You by Kasie West. This was so cute! I think it was just what I needed in that moment because I was just looking for something light and fluffy and this hit the nail right on the head. I loved the characters and how they hated each other but it turned into a romance.

16. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. This sequel, though! I remember not liking Cinder as much as I had hoped, so I was afraid to pick up the sequel for the longest time even though I heard that the series gets better with each book. And I was not  disappointed! This sequel really grabbed my attention and had me wanting to know what happened next with each page. I loved it!

Let’s Chat! ≧◡≦

What were your favorite/top/best books of 2016? Which would you highly recommend to me to check out? Tell me all the things!

11 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books of 2016

  1. YAS A Court of Mist and Fury is FANTASTIC. Absolutely loved it! Plus Rhys? Honestly, what’s better than Rhys? Huge crush on him ❤ I'm also dying to read My Lady Jane. I love Cynthia Hand so I need to read that book. Especially after hearing so many people so how funny it is!



  2. Great list!! I have so many of these on my TBR list for 2017. I got Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter for Christmas so I can’t wait to start that. I also got A Court of Thorns and Roses and A court of Mist and Fury! (Technically, I got two gift cards and orders them on Christmas. lol!) P.S. I Like You is on my TBR list too. I’ve heard such great things about it and it sounds so cute!


  3. Pingback: December 2016 Wrap Up | Reader Rayna

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