Biannual Bibliothon Day 1: Message in a Bottle

Hey there everyone, here is my video for the Biannual Bibliothon challenge for day one! The challenge is called Message in a Bottle and you’re supposed to write a letter to your favorite character, so I chose to write to Aelin from Throne of Glass (because did anyone NOT see that coming? I mean, seriously.) I had a lot of fun with it even if it is a little choppy, but I’m still very proud of it!

If you want to skip over the TBR section, my entry starts at 3:23.

As far as stats go for the readathon, I’ll post what I’ve read on the next day’s blog post. So for today, since it’s the first day, I won’t post my stats of what I’ve read until tomorrow’s post, and so on.

Let’s Chat! ≧◡≦

Who would you write a letter to? Would you write it to your favorite or least favorite character? Or would you write as one of your favorite characters to another character, such as Clary writing to Jace?

2 thoughts on “Biannual Bibliothon Day 1: Message in a Bottle

  1. Pingback: Biannual Bibliothon & Make Me Read It Wrap Up | Reader Rayna

  2. Pingback: July 2016 Wrap Up | Reader Rayna

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