Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite Maps

Hey peeps, I promise I’m not dead. Welcome to another Top 5 Wednesday! Today’s topic is all about our favorite maps in books. I love maps. They’re so helpful when you’re trying to get your bearings when reading and everything, especially for fantasy novels.

So here are some of my favorite maps!

5. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


This map is simple, but it’s also large in that the world itself holds many places and secrets, so I just love the idea of the travel of just the one continent.

4. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir


This is a lovely map of the world. It resembles what our world looks like, but it’s definitely something of its own.

3. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


Though I haven’t read this book yet, I just love the map in it! I love the drawings and the detailed side designs. So lovely!

2. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson


I love the color they used for this, plus I just love the design and layout and how it has the three flags of the three houses at the bottom.

  1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


We’ve all heard of this map from Harry Potter and I still think it’s fantastic. A map that shows when and where people are walking, how fast, how long, etc. So cool.

What are some of your favorite book maps?

13 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite Maps

  1. I remember reading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and constantly looking back at the map to see where they were. I also did the same thing when reading the Drizzt books in Forgotten Realms. Actually… I think I may do this at some point during every book I read that includes a map lol


  2. I like looking at Maps, but they only remind me I would get so lost in these worlds because I have no sense of direction! I love the pictures you used. Tamora Pierce maps are my favorite because those are what reignited my bookworm tendencies young.


  3. The map in Shadow and Bone is so beautiful. It has a lot of depth in it and was very useful while reading the book!


  4. I personally don’t like maps in my books! I find it a bit confusing and always have to refer back to it. And also, didn’t the Marauder’s Map first come out in Prisoner of Azkaban? :/


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