Camp NaNoWriMo 2019

It’s that time of year again friends when I say I’m going to do the thing and then fail horribly!


I’m determined this year to write the hell out of my novel for Camp and I’m going to DO IT, DAMMIT. No more excuses. No more games. I’m going to write this novel if it’s the last thing I do!

Okay, now that I got that out of the way, let’s talk writing and such!

First of all, what is Camp NaNoWriMo? Camp NaNoWriMo takes place every April and July and is a more relaxed (or stressful) version of NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month) takes place every November where the goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days, but Camp NaNo allows you to set your own word count goal on their website, so if you just want to write a short 5,000 word story, go for it! If you want to be ambitious and hit 100,000 words, go for it! It’s a fun, community type of event that focuses on writing and creativity.

What am I writing this year?

The same thing I began working on last year but didn’t get farther than just over 1,600 words. Its working title is called “Dark & Burning” and I really like my concept of elemental magic, mental illness, love, friendship, family, and the balances between light and dark.

Here’s the synopsis:

Mahlia is unknown. She blends in with the crowd as much as possible and tries to just go through her day to day life without bothering anyone. But she has a secret that she can’t make known unless she wants to forfeit not only this life that she’s made, but also her freedom. If she keeps this secret any longer, though, it may just consume her – body and soul.

Vex is the third prince in line for the throne, and as such he gets away with pretty much whatever he can. As he was forced to choose between priesthood and the military, he decides to join the royal army alongside his second eldest brother. Fire courses through his veins just as it does through his second brother and his mother, but his magic is stronger, different, and one that could ignite a change he hadn’t expected.

In a world where elemental magic is abundant, the threat of war is upon the country of Arkin from their neighbors across the sea – Nyrrin, who craves their lands and their very prosperous resources. But these once comrades of Arkin come with weapons unlike that which Arkin has ever seen, and it could change the outcome of the war for the worse for Arkin.

The synopsis will probably change as time goes on and I write more of the story, but for now that’s what I’ve got.

As of the time of writing this post, I’ve actually written a decent amount since my first attempt at this storyline. I’ve been slowly working on bits and pieces, scenes and chapters as they’ve come to me, so right now I have 15,423 words written. That’s, uh, way more than I thought??? When did I write this much???

Of course I’m going to use this number towards my 50,000 word goal for Camp. Why should I knock my own progress just because I started before the event itself? I’m not going to do that, but I’m also not going to stop myself just because I might reach that goal, you know?

The Stats

There’s a bit of stats that go into Camp and NaNo every year, so let’s break it down:

  • To reach my 50k goal I’ll need to write 1,667 words per day during the month.
  • Since I’ve written 15,423 words, to reach the 50k goal I only need 34,577 words.
  • BUT because I’m allowing my novel to flow for however long it needs to be to be told until I’m satisfied, I’m still aiming to reach 50k NEW words written for the month. So that means that if I write anything more between now and next week, then I’m still aiming to write 50k new words, even if my word count total is above 20k… you get it?

Let’s break it down more into goals because why not? I’m just using this as a guideline than an obligation to stick to:

  • By the end of week one, Sunday April 7th, I want to have 12,000 new words total.
  • By the end of week two, Sunday April 14th, I want to have 24,000 new words total.
  • By the end of week three, Sunday April 21st, I want to have 36,000 new words total.
  • By the end of week four, Sunday April 28th, I want to have 48,000 new words total.
  • By the end of the month I want to have 50,000 new words total.

And to incentivize myself, I’m going to award myself small prizes for achieving said goals each week! Whether that be a treat-yo-self day, watching an episode or two of Critical Role campaign one, watching a movie, whatever, I want to give myself rewards for reaching my milestones.

The Survival Kit

Alright, well, since I’ve turned much into a “mood” reader and writer the last couple of years, I’m making a conscious decision to push that aside in order to pursue my dreams, SO, with that, let’s talk about some of the essential things I’ll want to use during Camp:

  1. Music – I’m under the firm belief that every writer needs music, whether it be pop ballads, sensual R&B, lo-fi, grunge, classical, nature sounds, whatever, I think music really helps to get into the right headspace and focus. So me, personally, I’ll listen to a lot of lo-fi playlists or fantasy music playlists that I can easily tune out to just have as background noise while I write.
  2. My very vague synopsis, character listings, and major plot points documents – I seriously wouldn’t get very far without these because, yes, I forget my own characters’ names. Whoops. I also have these as a way to remind myself of the general direction I want things to go in, but they are by no means an obligation to the story at hand. I’m a writer that likes to have the characters and world lead, even with some guidelines.
  3. Food – Okay, you know this one’s a given. I can’t write if I don’t have the energy or brain power. Food is good, and not junk food! I mean like means and veggies and stuff.
  4. The support of fellow writers, my husband, and friends and family – Now, I’m not usually a person super big on community. I prefer to be alone in many things and in many ways, but this year I’m trying to change it up and involve people in my creative process and my creative endeavors. For example, I had an in depth discussion with my husband when we went out to dinner one night about my story and what I want to write for it, and he’s practically demanding that I write it! He’s seriously excited to read it, and not just because I’m his wife lol
  5. The USB drive to hold all of my work – ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP. NO exceptions. If you’re going to write and work on something important, you better have a backup somewhere in case your computer decides to not turn on again one day. You never know, and then you’ll be out that hard work.
    • An alternative option to this is to write in Google Drive’s documents option where it autosaves your work. You’ll just have to remember your Google password and such if you’re bouncing from computer to computer.
  6. Forest app – This app is very cute and cool because you can grow a tree as much as you want for as long as you’re productive. It’ll yell at you to stop looking at it, but will also give you little bits of motivation. You can set your time for how long you want to be productive and not look at your phone and stuff, which is cool.

That’s it! I’m excited to start Camp next month (next week!), but I’m also excited to just have this passion back for writing again. I seriously missed it.

Let’s Chat!

Are you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo? What’s genre are you writing? Care to share a synopsis or general idea of what your story’s about? Let me know!

NaNoWriMo 2018


Guess who’s participating in NaNoWriMo again this year? Meeeee~

Hey guys, how’s it going? Long time no see. Hope you’re all doing well!

So what’s NaNoWriMo you ask? National Novel Writing Month is a 30 day writing challenge that takes place from November 1-30 where you are challenging yourself to write 50,000 words in 30 days. It’s a super fun (and kind of exhausting) challenge, and if you love to write or you have a story idea that you’ve been dying to tell, then this is probably the challenge for you!

Of course you don’t have to write 50,000 words if you’re unable to or if your story doesn’t need to be that long, but the goal is to reach that word count if you can in 30 days.

I’m determined this year to reach that goal (and beyond) because last year I did terribly (only over 500 words, ouch), and they weren’t even good words. BUT THIS YEAR (since I’m writing this on the 3rd of November) I already have over 6k words of content for my story. I’ll admit that most of those words were written over the last couple of months when I had the inspiration to write them, but eh, who cares? They’re still part of my story and they still count toward my end goal, so that’s all that matters.

What’s my story about?

Mahlia is unknown. She blends in with the crowd as much as possible and tries to just go through her day to day life without bothering anyone. But she has a secret that she can’t make known unless she wants to forfeit not only this life that she’s made, but also her freedom. If she keeps this secret any longer, though, it may just consume her – body and soul.

Vex is the third prince in line for the throne, and as such he gets away with pretty much whatever he can. As he was forced to choose between priesthood and the military, he decides to join the royal army alongside his second eldest brother. Fire courses through his veins just as it does through his second brother and his mother, but his magic is stronger, different, and one that could ignite a change he hadn’t expected.

In a world where elemental magic is abundant, the threat of war is upon the country of Arkin from their neighbors across the sea – Nyrrin, who craves their lands and their very prosperous resources. But these once comrades of Arkin come with weapons unlike that which Arkin has ever seen, and it could change the outcome of the war for the worse for Arkin.

It’s a fantasy story full of elemental magic, inner and outer demons, discovering yourself, saving those you love, and the power that darkness and fear can hold and just how one simple thing can change it.

I don’t want to share too much about it as I have a lot of ideas and I want to write them all out to see what path comes into fruition and which one doesn’t. I have high hopes for this novel, though, because it deals with a lot of real emotions and themes that I have dealt with myself (depression and anxiety), so I want to take my time but also rush through it to get it all out, you know?

What are some of my goals for the month?

Here’s what I’m aiming for and hoping to make happen:

Word Count Goals

  • By 11:59PM November 3rd: Have 5k words written – COMPLETE
  • By 11:59PM November 10th: Have 15k words written
  • By 11:59PM November 17th: Have 30k words written
  • By 11:59PM November 24th: Have 45k words written
  • By 11:59PM November 30th: Have 50k words written

I’m giving myself full week stretches to reach these goals. I think they’re realistic to my writing style, and they’re in line with the actual NaNoWriMo word count goals.

Other Goals

  • Reach one major plot point by each word count goal above.
  • Flesh out the need and cause of the war more.
  • Determine what is actually going to happen at the end or toward the end, and how will it play out after that.

I think that having these simple goals in mind will help me to successfully write my novel this month.

Anyway, I’m excited about this novel. I’ve already got good response from my husband (who isn’t just hyping me because he’s my husband but because he’s genuinely interested in my story) and some friends and acquaintances from snippets I’ve shown. I finally found a character that can handle the darkness I want to write about, and with elements (literally) that I love.

Let’s Chat! ^w^

Are you participating in NaNo this year? What genre is your story? Do you have any goals that you want to reach this month that doesn’t involve the word count? Let me know in the comments below!

Camp NaNoWriMo 2018


Hey guys, I’m participating in Camp NaNoWriMo again this year! I have an idea I was trying to work on last year for NaNoWriMo in November, I think, but I’m deciding to revisit it because I never got farther than about 500 words into the first chapter.

What is NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing. 

On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm, determination, and a deadline, NaNoWriMo is for anyone who has ever thought about writing a novel.

What is Camp NaNoWriMo?

Camp NaNoWriMo is a virtual writer’s retreat, designed for maximum flexibility and creativity. We have Camp sessions in both April and July, and we welcome word-count goals between 30 and 1,000,000. In addition, writers can tackle any project they’d like, including new novel drafts, revision, poetry, scripts, and short stories.

With that being said, here are some of the basics of what my story is going to be about this time:

Word Count Goal: 10,000 words

I hope to reach 10,000 words by the end of the month. Of course, I know my story is going to be much more than 10k words, but I am out of practice with writing, so I want to give myself an easier pace and an easier time with really focusing on the story and not rushing just to reach the 50k goal.

This means I only have to write 333-334 words per day every day this month to reach that goal. Considering I can very easily write 1,000 words in a half hour if I’m on a roll and really excited for the chapter I’m writing? Yeah, it’ll be easy. I hope.

Rough Synopsis:

Mahlia is unknown. She blends in with the crowd as much as possible and tries to just go through her day to day life without bothering anyone. But she has a secret that she can’t make known unless she wants to forfeit not only this life that she’s made, but also her freedom. If she keeps this secret any longer, though, it may just consume her – body and soul.

Vex is the third prince in line for the throne, and as such he gets away with pretty much whatever he can. As he was forced to choose between priesthood and the military, he decides to join the royal army alongside his second eldest brother. Fire courses through his veins just as it does through his second brother and his mother, but his magic is stronger, different, and one that could ignite a change he hadn’t expected.

In a world where elemental magic is abundant, the threat of war is upon the country of Arkin from their neighbors across the sea – Nyrrin, who craves their lands and their very prosperous resources. But these once comrades of Arkin come with weapons unlike that which Arkin has ever seen, and it could change the outcome of the war for the worse for Arkin.

I know this doesn’t give a lot of information, but I’m still working on it haha!

I also have a Pinterest Board that shows the kind of feel and aesthetic I’m going for with this story.

So there you have it! I hope I’m successful this time around because I really want to get back into writing and creating again. I want to work on an outline before the start of the month, so I hope I’ll be able to get that done before the first (not that I’ll be able to work on it because I’ll be busy and gone all day since it’s Easter and have plans already).

Let’s Chat! ^w^

Are you participating in Camp NaNo this month? Even if you’re not, do you have any writing projects you’re working on? Are you trying to write more character-driven stories, or more plot-driven? Tell me all about what you’re writing!

Beautiful Books – 2017 Writing Goals


Hey peeps and welcome to Beautiful Books, hosted by the lovely Cait @ Paper Fury and Sky @ Further Up & Further In. What is Beautiful Books? It’s very similar to the monthly link up of Beautiful People, but this month it focuses on NaNoWriMo writing projects rather than specific characters in the novels. You obviously don’t have to be participating in NaNo in order to join; it can be any writing project. Click here or the picture to be taken back to the most recent Beautiful Books linkup page!

Today’s post is focused on our writing goals for 2017. Now I already talked briefly about some of the goals I hope to achieve this year, but this one goes a little more in depth in a few places where I feel I didn’t touch upon. So here we go!

1. What were your writing achievements last year?

I think just writing the story that had been on my mind for so long was the biggest achievement I accomplished. I had wanted to write about these two characters, Nara and Mikail, for so long and finally doing it was such a release. I loved it!

I also successfully outlined for the first time in years and I actually liked it? I’ve griped about outlining before and how pointless I found it but OH MY GOD I LOVED IT. I need to outline with every single story I do in the future. Seriously, it helped to keep my story focused on the goal I was trying to achieve with it, and even if I didn’t use every plot point that I had written, I was still hitting the major ones and it felt so incredible to be able to see that happen and how the story changed and morphed as I went as a result.

2. What’s on your writerly “to-do list” for 2017?

  • Finish writing not only the draft from NaNo 2016, but also the draft from Camp NaNo 2015. I haven’t finished either story yet, but I’m getting so close to the end for both! (I have a problem writing endings, so that’s probably why I’ve avoided it for so long.)
  • Then edit said drafts. I might just focus on one story for this year even though I love both of them (and the draft from Camp NaNo is a hot mess… I have NO IDEA how I got to where I am in the story from the beginning of what I was writing…). So I think that I’ll just focus on the NaNo 2016 draft for now and edit that one.
  • But here’s my main “to-do list” when it comes to writing this year:
    • Finish drafts.
    • Edit them.
    • Find beta readers.
    • Edit some more.
    • Query some agents and hope to find a great agent.
    • Proceed with publication process. Hopefully.


3. Tell us about your top-priority writing projects this year!

“The Thief and the Magician” is my top priority this year. I really loved what I was writing for this story, but I just have a few kinks to work out and obviously some major editing, but otherwise, this story is going to be my primary focus. I feel like it’ll be the story that I want to surface to the world.

I also want to finish writing “Crossing Boundaries,” the story I was working on in 2015. I LOVE my two main characters, but as I’ve stated: it’s a hot mess. I don’t know if I’m going to let it see the light of day any time soon, but maybe one day in the future.

Also, I feel like I have ideas brewing in my mind that I should probably write down. Maybe I’ll work on something new? Or maybe a sequel? Who knows? Not me, clearly.

4. How do you hope to improve as a writer? Where do you see yourself at the end of 2017?

I want to improve in all ways as a writer, honestly. I want to listen to people about what makes a problematic book and how to defeat that beast. I want to do more outlining and just work on editing. At the end of 2017, I want to be able to feel like I’ve accomplished something rather than just letting these projects sit and feeling sorry for myself that I’m not actually doing any writing.

By the end of this year, I want to be able to follow my passions and dreams and write and create and be happy.

5. Describe your general editing process.

After my first NaNoWriMo that I actually wrote 50k words (which was 2014), what I had done was printed out my story (and used up all of my ink) and began to read through it with a critical eye, using a red pen (yes, the dreaded red pen) to mark changes, grammar fixes, etc. For me, personally, I feel like I need to write with pen on paper in order for changes to really stick out in my mind. I could do it all on the computer and save trees and ink and whatnot, but I’m old school and love the feel of writing out what I want to see changed in my story by hand.

At this beginning stage, I already know a LOT of things that want changed because I think of them as I write the first draft, but I rarely go back to fix those things. But once I know I’ve successfully completed writing my first draft, that’s when I can move on and actually put those changes in. Like even now I know there are several things I want to add and change and remove from my draft of “The Thief and the Magician,” but I’m not ready to make those changes just yet.

After that, I’ll go back in, apply those changes to my documents on my computer, and at that stage I’m thinking of letting my husband be my first reader. I want a second set of eyes from someone I trust (who’s also a fast reader) to give me feedback. I know if I tell him to be honest and not sugar coat it that he’ll let me know if things sounds weird, if the flow is wonky, whatever the case may be.

After that, I’ll do another round of edits. I’ve never gotten past the first stage that I talked about, though, and even then I never finished my first round of edits, so this is going to be interesting for sure. But I’m going to take my time with it, doing small chunks at a time until I’ve completed it, then I’ll go from there.

6. On a scale of 1-10, how do you think this draft turned out?

Well, considering I’m not finished… With what I have actually written, I think that this draft is turning out around a 5 or a 6. I’m happy with parts of it for sure, like personalities, certain scenes I know I want to keep, certain emotions that I want to keep, but there’s a lot that needs to be fixed. So yeah. 5/10.

7. What aspect of the draft needs the most work?

If Nara’s supposed to be extremely afraid of Magicians, or just wary around them, WHY DID I NOT MAKE HER MORE AFRAID AND WARY AROUND MIKAIL? UGH. This is currently my biggest gripe of the whole draft and I need to add chapters or change some scenes around to fit this in. Just. UGHHHHHHH. I’m mad at myself, honestly, haha! And I knew I was doing it as I was writing, but I didn’t want to stop and fix it. It’s fine, EVERYTHING’S FINE.

And then there are obviously kinks and stuff I need to elaborate more on, and there’s definitely one chapter that I KNOW was just a filler chapter and needs to be replaced, like, ten years ago, and… yeah. Okay. The draft in general just needs some work.

8. What do you like most about your draft?

I love my characters. I grow very attached to a lot of characters I write, particularly the main characters because, well, duh, and this story, “The Thief and the Magician,” is one I feel so passionate about that I’m so glad that I decided to give it another shot because I struggled HARD during Camp NaNo 2016 when I first started working on it. The chapters weren’t coming out right AT ALL. In fact, I rewrote several chapters during this time because they just didn’t work and they weren’t how my characters were supposed to be, and I was writing it in the wrong tense, so that was frustrating. But yeah. The characters are really what make my draft feel alive to me.

9. What are your plans for this novel once you finish editing? More edits? Finding beta readers? Querying? Self-publishing? Hiding it in a dark hole forever?

I kind of already glossed over it in a couple questions already, but here’s more:

  • Finish the draft, do a round of edits, let husband read it, do another round of edits.
  • Hopefully find two beta readers to give feedback, then do another round of edits.
  • THEN I’ll start querying. I want to go the traditional publishing route because that’s just what I personally want to do.
  • Then I’ll just go from there.

10. What’s your top piece of advice for those just finished writing a first draft?

Let it sit for a little while.

I literally haven’t looked at my draft or thought about it or touched it since the end of NaNoWriMo 2016, and I haven’t even finished it yet. Writing over 50k words in 30 days really taxes the brain, and even if you didn’t do NaNo but you still have a completed first draft (or mostly completed): let it sit.

Don’t think about it, don’t open the file, don’t let yourself worry about it for now. Obviously, don’t take too much time away from it or you might never go back to it until you’re filled with guilt, but give it a month or two. Or give it a week or two. Either way, just let it sit so your brain can recuperate from the hard work it just put in with you writing this first draft. You worked extremely hard on this draft, so now take a break, do something for yourself that isn’t writing, and then go back to your draft. You’ll have refreshed eyes and quite possibly a new outlook on what you want your draft to look like once you start edits. Taking that step back could be very beneficial to you.

Let’s Chat! ≧◡≦

How are you doing on your writing project? What are your plans for this year? Is your novel ever going to see the light of day, or is it going to be buried under mounds of debris, never to be seen again? What do you like most about your draft? Tell me all the things!

Beautiful People: September Edition

Hey peeps! Welcome to another round of Beautiful People! It’s hosted by Cait @ Paper Fury and Sky @ Further Up & Further In. If you want to know more about Beautiful People, you can check out the FAQs page here.


This month’s questions are an assortment to get to know our characters better. For this one I’m going to choose a character I haven’t talked about yet: a thief named Nara who grew up with her father, who was also a thief, and together they lived wherever their hearts took them in the Rising City. Of course, that’s not to say that they didn’t have their fallouts, but now, as a young adult, Nara is on her own and gets herself into a little more than she can chew when she runs into a Magician – a rare kind of person to find nowadays in the City.

I really like her, but I haven’t gotten to really explore her character yet (or my magician, Mikail) because when I was writing their story I had THE hardest time and nothing flowed and I had to rewrite almost every single chapter I wrote… So now I’m just going to start from scratch because I think I’m starting to get to know them a little better, like they’re ready to tell their story now.

So let’s jump into the questions!

1 . How did you come up with this character?

I came up with Nara when I got the idea for this story I wanted to write back in April for Camp NaNoWriMo. All I had was a synopsis (the best one I’ve ever written) and I instantly wanted to write about this thief and magician. Here’s what I wrote:

Nara is a thief of the Rising City, and she’s been one since she was a little girl, trained and abandoned by her father. Now, as a twenty year old, she is one of the most infamous thieves in all of the Rising City. But when one mistake almost costs her her life, she is thrown into a life debt by someone she never would have thought she’d ally herself with: a Magician.

Mikail is a Magician, a rare breed that is seldom seen in the world anymore, and he is still honing his skills. When his powers manifested at a young age, he didn’t expect to be in the eye of every powerful person in the Rising City – especially that of the Queen. But when one day his magic goes haywire and he saves a thief from most certain death, he thinks that maybe she is his ticket to freedom.

Though the two cross and their lives mix, neither one could be prepared for what happens to them – or their hearts.

2. Have they ever been starving? Why? And what did they eat to break the fast?

She’s never been starving, but she has had days when she hasn’t eaten due to losing her father – her teacher – and having to learn to survive on her own. Though it was difficult at first, she had no choice but to quickly learn what to do to survive if she wanted to keep living the way she had before. She would swipe whatever she could off of vendor stalls, even though she got caught a few times in the process, but always managed to finagle her way out of the situation.

3. Do they have a talent or skill that they’re proud of?

Nara is very proud of her skill of thievery, because she grew up with it and learned from her father, who was one of the best thieves in the Rising City. After her mother left at a very young age, it was her father who raised her and taught her the life skills she’d need to use in order to survive – and to also use her natural born gifts as well. She has a quick mind and a clever way in which she utilizes to get what she wants in certain situations.

4. List 3 things that would make them lose their temper.

-Being treated like a child would definitely get under her skin depending on the situation and who says what. If it’s a friend just goofing around with her, that’s one thing and she’ll jab right back; but if it’s some punk who thinks just because she’s small and she’s a girl she can’t do what she does? Oh yeah, she’ll show them just what she’s capable of.

-If her height is constantly being pointed out she’ll probably lose her cool. She knows she’s short (5’1″), so that’s been both a help and hindrance in her line of work, but when it comes to people pointing out how small she is, like they’re looking down at her? Watch out.

-If she sees children or animals or anyone, really, being abused. She isn’t afraid to go over and defend the one being abused if she’s not stopped first.

5. What is their favourite type of weather? Least favorite?

Favorite: She prefers sunshine, but not hot days. Mostly autumn days make her happy because they’re often sunny, the leaves are changing, and there’s a crispness in the air.

Least: She’s not a huge fan of thunder storms, as she still gets scared by them even to this day.

6. What is their Hogwarts house and/or MBTI personality?

I can definitely see her being in Ravenclaw, but also probably Slytherin. She has the mind of a Ravenclaw, and the occasional arrogance to match, but she can also be cunning and swift like a Slytherin.

7. Are they more likely to worry about present problems, or freak out about the unknown future?

Nara tries her best to live in the moment, so she doesn’t try to worry too much about the future. She savors whatever moment she can and she tries to make the best out of many situations. Of course, she is human and does have worries, but she never shares them because she doesn’t need others knowing her weaknesses or her faults. (Which is, in reality, one of her faults.)

8. What is their favourite thing to drink?

She’s a big fan of ice tea with lemon. It’s one of those delights that she enjoys having on hot summer days.

9. What is their favourite color? Least favorite?

Favorite: Purple, like a lavender.

Least: Probably browns and grays, as she finds them boring.

10. What is a book that changed their life?

If we’re talking books in our real world, I think a book that would’ve changed her life definitely would have been The Mortal Instruments series. I can just see her reading these books, including The Infernal Devices, and being hooked on every word, taking from it the importance of friendship and family, and wondering if her magician was the Jace to her Clary.

And there you have it! I feel like I’ve definitely learned a bit about Nara along with you lovely peeps. Writing about this has made me excited to actually get started on rewriting her and Mikail’s story and telling it the way it should be told.

Let’s Chat! ≧◡≦

What’s one book that changed the life of your character? What talent/skill do they have that they’re proud of? And what Hogwarts house are they in? Tell me all the things!