Get to Know Me Tag

So I got the idea to do this tag from Cait @ Paper Fury, and she said I should do it (after I asked) and this tag sprung from Liz @ Out of Coffee, Out of Mind, so check out their posts, too!

The tag is pretty self-explanatory, but in case you didn’t know: it’s a tag for you to get to know me a bit better! I’ve chosen to omit only a few questions for one reason or another, but you still get to know me! So, let’s just jump in:

Vital Stats

Name: Rayna
Nicknames: Rainkitten, RP, Ray-Ray, Hideki
Birthday: August 18th
Star Sign: Leo. Rawr.


Hair Color: Medium-dark brown depending on the light.
Hair length: It’s growing out so it’s just above my shoulders.
Eye color: Brown, and in the right light you can see flecks of gold, green, purple, and red. My eyes are amazing.
Best feature: It’s between my eyes and my smile. I’ve gotten compliments for both, but mostly my smile.
Piercings: Just my ears, one hole in each. Standard.
Tattoos: On my back right shoulder blade area. I showed it before, but here it is again (mostly because I like showing it off): IMG_2483


Film: Inside Out. All. The. Feels. Literally.
TV Show: Hmm… I don’t really have a favorite.
Color: Pink!
Song: Uh. Uh… Umm… I can tell you one of my favorite artists is Owl City, but fave song? Too hard. Recently it’s been Call Me Baby by EXO.
Shop: I quite frequent Barnes & Noble.
Book: WHY DO YOU TORTURE ME!? Here’s a few: House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson.


Feeling: Tired. I’m typing this at almost 11:00PM.
Single or Taken: Married, woot woot!
Thinking About: Sleep. And what I want to do with my life. You know, normal adult things.


Want children: Yes, yes I do.
Want to be married: Didn’t I already answer this?
Careers in mind: I would still like to be an author, and though my current job is fine, I’d love to be a stay at home mom one day. Or just… something other than what I’m doing now.
Where do you want to live: I’m good where I am in terms of the state I live in, but England would be cool, too.

Do You Believe In…

God: Yes.
Miracles: Yes.
Love at first sight: Possible.
Ghosts: Yes.
Aliens: Yes, because there’s no POSSIBLE WAY we are the only life forms out there. Sorry.
Soul Mates: Yes. Mine is my best friend, Katie.
Heaven/Hell: Yes.
Yourself: Some days yes, other days no.

There you go! A little bit more about me, but I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about the majority of these before, haha!

If you want to do this tag, please do so! I’d love to see your answers and whatnot!

What are some of the things you’re thinking of currently? What job do you want to have in the future? What about kids? What are some of your favorite books/movies/TV shows?

4 thoughts on “Get to Know Me Tag

  1. Yayyy!! I’m glad you did it, Rayna! 😀 It’s always awesome to learn a bit about the blogger behind the blog, right?! ;D And that’s SUCH a cool quote tattoo! I would be absolutely too terrified to ever get a tattoo..mostly because I am an indecisive monster and I hate pain. XD
    Currently I'm thinking that I'm literally procrastinating editing my book and blogging instead and have zero regrets. XD hehe


    • Haha, thanks! I love my tattoo. c: I was scared at first and expecting it to hurt a lot worse than it did, but it actually wasn’t too bad!
      YES! Cath and Levi are the cutest! I can’t even.
      Go work on your book! xD *shoos*


  2. Pingback: February 2016 Wrap-Up | Reader Rayna

  3. Pingback: Book Tag ~ Get To Know Me

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